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Our very own Danielle's Flutterbyes photographer!

Grace is the first person we were able to help as a charity and so she has a very special place in our hearts.


When Grace asked us to help her with her studies by buying her a camera, we jumped at the chance. Grace is on dialysis and studying photography, which is not easy as dialysis takes so much of her time so being able to help Grace is fantastic for us. 

Grace came with us to the Strata cheque presentation and brought her camera along, taking some amazing pictures, check these out!

British Transplant Games 2017

July 28th 2017,  saw the start of Westfield Health British Transplant Games 2017. The annual event included 4 days of competition with over 850 competitors from around Britain to increase awareness of organ donation.  Danielle's Flutterbyes sent our very own team over to North Lanarkshire to compete...

Declan Bennett, Saskia Jade Zurek, Avais Javid & Luqman Ahmed.

Over 15 medals were won by our Fantastic 4, including a staggering 7 Gold.

Thanks to Terri Ellwood for coordinating on behalf of Danielles Flutterbyes,  to everyone who has donated to our charity which made this possible and to Declan, Saskia, Avais and Luqman who continue to inspire.

Harry Potter and the dialysis patients!

In February, Danielle's Flutterbyes funded a trip to the Harry Potter Studios, London for the young adult dialysis patients at Nottingham City Hospital.

Nottingham city youth worker Terri Ellwood organised this fantastic trip and was keen to let us know how it went.

"...they all had an absolutely fantastic time, it was nice to do something together

away from the hospital, away from dialysis to have a laugh, get to know each other better

and just have fun"

Thanks as always to all those who have donated, our fundraisers and of course Terri for organising this event.

Oh Yes We Did...

Jodie Gregory a kidney patient at Royal Derby Hospital, asked for a little help from Danielle's Flutterbyes.
Jodie was due spend the Christmas period in hospital, but wanted to have some time with her family away from the confines of a hospital bed and a dialysis machine.

The Danielle's Flutterbyes team were more than pleased to help, so we arranged for Jodie to see the panto Cinderella, with a family meal to complete the night.
Although it was a small respite from her treatment Jodie and her family had a great time and it was great to put a smile her face evident by the fantastic pictures and messages Jodie had sent us.

Thanks to Terri Ellwood for helping, and again all those who contributed so generously to help make this possible.

Gemma get's a lift with Fifth

Gemma Lawson a huge fan of The girl group Fifth Harmony, was ecstatic when she heard that Danielle's Flutterbyes had funded a night for her to see her favourite group. Gemma described the night as "Amazing". So thanks Fifth Harmony for being ..... harmonious, and giving Gemma a great show.

Dennis on the podium

Dennis Mbugua who recently took part in the 2016 British Transplant Games thanks to Danielle's Flutterbyes. The games took place over 4 days starting on July 28th, and this year it was hosted in Liverpool.

Dennis (pictured left) has undergone a kidney transplant, moved from Luton to Nottingham last year. We hope that after a rocky start to 2016 regarding his health, this has given Dennis a positive focus and a much needed boost.

He took part in a variety of events ranging from archery to track and field. Success was found in the table tennis hall, as Dennis won a bronze medal

 in loving memory of Dennis Mbugua 

Congratulations Zoe

Well done Zoe-Leanne Cowley who recently tore up her L-plates thanks to a little help from Danielle's Flutterbyes. Zoe suffers from a rare genetic condition called INF2, and Charcot Marie Tooth Syndrome which has led to the decline of her kidney function. Although Zoe has received a transplant she still has to reguarlarly attend hospital. We've been able to help fund Zoe's driving lessons, which has given her a new lease of freedom. Being able to drive has made her life significantly easier, most notably when travelling to and from hospital. Thanks to all our fundraisers and the kind donations that made this possible.

Family time for Grace

Grace Ogunsanya is a young kidney patient who lives and recieves treatment in Nottingham. Grace's family are based in London,and sadly she was unable to raise the funds to pay for a return ticket to London over the Christmast period. Danielle's Flutterbyes were priviledeged to be able to lend a helping hand, and made sure Grace made it to London to be with her family.  

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